Astronomy 1115(L)

Table of Contents

1 ASTR 1115

  • Syllabus
  • Office Hours are Saturday, 4/11/20, 7-9 pm (find previous office hours by clicking due dates.)
  • Chat
  • Textbook
  • Reference sheet
  • Upcoming deadlines–keep in mind Quizzes are due every week (on UNM Learn). Schedule subject to change without notice, check regularly–everything due at 11:59 pm:
Week Due Date Chapter Notes Homework Misc
Module 0
Week 0
01/26 Introduction
0: Mathematical Background
1: Science and the Universe
Notes, Slides,
Homework 0
Quiz 0
Entry Survey
Week 1 02/02 0.5: Numbers in Science
2: Observing the Sky
3: Orbits and Gravity
Notes, Slides,
Homework 1
Quiz 1
Week 2 02/09 3.5: Orbits and Gravity
5: Radiation and Spectra
Notes, Slides,
Homework 2
Quiz 2
Week 3 02/16 6: Astronomical Instruments
4: Earth, Moon, and Sky
Notes, Slides,
Homework 3
Quiz 3
Module 1
Week 4
02/23 7: Other Worlds
8: Earth as a Planet
Notes, Slides,
Homework 4
Quiz 4
Week 5 03/01 9: Cratered Worlds
10: Venus and Mars
Notes, Slides,
Homework 5
Quiz 5
Project 1
Week 6 03/08 11: The Giant Planets Notes, Slides,
Homework 6 (video)
Quiz 6
Week 7 03/15 13: Comets and Asteroids
14: Cosmic Samples and
       the Origin of the Solar System
Notes, Slides,
Homework 7
Quiz 7
Module 2
Week 8
03/22 15: The Sun: A Star
16: The Sun: A Nuclear Powerhouse
Notes, Slides,
No Homework!
Quiz 8
Week 9 03/29 19: Celestial Distances Notes, Slides,
Homework 8
Quiz 9
Project 2
Week 10 04/05 17: Analyzing Starlight
18: The Stars
Notes, Slides,
Homework 9
Quiz 10
Week 11 04/12 21: The Birth of Stars, Exoplanets
22: Stars from Adolescence to Old Age
23: The Death of Stars
Notes, Slides,
No Homework!  
Module 3
Week 12
04/19 24: Black Holes and Curved Spacetime
25: The Milky Way Galaxy
Notes, Slides,
Homework 10
Quiz 11
Week 13 04/26 26: Galaxies
27: Active Galaxies, Quasars,
       and Supermassive Black Holes
Notes, Slides,
Week 14 05/03 29: The Big Bang
29.5: The Big Bang
30: Life in the Universe
Notes, Slides,
Extra Credit Assignment  
Week 15 05/06     Quiz 12 Project 3

2 ASTR 1115L

  • Lab Syllabus
  • Office Hours are Saturday, 4/11/20, 7-9 pm (find previous office hours by clicking due dates.)
  • Chat
  • Observatory is closed due to COVID-19, choose an alternate Observing Project (see Lab 0)
  • Reference sheet
  • Schedule (schedule subject to change without notice, check regularly–everything due at 11:59 pm):
Week Due Date Lab Misc
Week 0 01/26 Lab 0: Observing Projects Pre-lab reading
Entry Survey
Week 1 02/02 Lab 1: Foundations Lab 1 Homework
Week 2 02/09 Lab 2: Properties of Planets  
Week 3 02/16 Lab 3: Kepler's Laws Observing Project 1
Week 4 02/23 Lab 4: Parallax  
Week 5 03/01 Lab 5: Astro-Photometry and Imaging  
Week 6 03/08 Lab 6: Spectra and Atoms  
Week 7 03/15 Lab 7: Properties of Stars Lab 7 Homework
Week 8 03/22 Lab 8: Stellar Evolution Observing Project 2
Week 9 03/29 Lab 9: Binary Stars  
Week 10 04/05 Lab 10: Star Clusters and the Milky Way  
Week 11 04/12 Lab 11: Galaxies & Cepheids  
Week 12 04/19 Lab 12: Cosmology  
Week 13 04/26 Lab 13: Quasars Observing Project 3
Week 14 05/03 Lab 13: Alien Life  
Week 15 05/10    

Created: 2020-05-02 Sat 19:42
